Category Archives: drunken stupor

A Rockin’ Weekend

Back from Austin (where I mobile blogged from yesterday)…I had a great time! AWESOME time! The Architect was awesome! We went to Wurstfest in New Braunfels on Friday night. I should have brought my camera, but I forgot it. It was a blast! Wurstfest is an Octoberfest type of festival, and the basic idea is drink beer, eat sausage, drink beer, dance, then drink beer. I got rather intoxicated! And then, THEN, after I was already commenting on my intoxication, The Architect found a quarter, and challenged me to a game of Quarters! Quarters must have been his major in college because the boy never missed…and I was practically chugging my beer to keep up! I am CERTAIN he wasn’t trying to get me drunk because I already was! 😉

Saturday, I dragged him to the Co-op so that I could buy some Christmas presents. After the Co-op craziness, we headed to the tailgate which was full of beer, jello shots, food and washer tossing games…5 hours of tailgating later, we headed to the game. Exhausted from the tailgating, we wound up leaving the game in the third quarter, but we had a great time.

Overall, the weekend was really good! The Architect keeps pleasantly surprising me, and I just feel so calm and comfortable when he’s around. After an entire weekend together, I still want to see him again as soon as possible. If I hadn’t had to get ready for the HGTV shoot, I would have hung out with him the rest of the day today. Just say this much though, makes me worried I will jinx things, so cross your fingers for us! Oh and wish me luck on the TV shoot!…No, better yet, wish me good make-up and camera slimming clothing!!

What Happens When You Ask a Boy to Carve a Pumpkin

Before I carved my goofy little guy, my friends and I had planned on carving some pumpkins together. But beer got the best of us, and well, the pumpkins didn’t get carved so much as they got stabbed…


Shoot Some Bullets Through Halloween

Halloween party this weekend:

  • Drunken Stupor.
  • Jello Shots.
  • Blacklights.
  • Keg beer.
  • Frank The Tank.
  • Alvin, The Chipmunk.
  • Eve (in nude bodysuit.)
  • Clark Kent.
  • Castro.
  • Desperate Housewife.
  • Hangover.
  • Crackers.
  • Water.
  • Dark room.

The End.

Parties, Parties, Parties

The party was awesome! My parents were utterly shocked, and completely elated that so many people cared about them.

Did I mention that I threw the entire party for under $500??? Just wondering. I fed 27 people dinner (with real plates!) and beered and wined them for somewhere around $400-450. Not bad, I’d say.

I am exhausted. It is Tuesday and the party was saturday, and I am still exhausted. I think it is going to take me the rest of the week to rebuild the adrenaline supply I demolished in the last couple of weeks.

Everyone had a good time though, and several people told me it was the best lasagna they had ever had…very cool. (I forgot to take pictures though. I am hoping someone got a few…if there are any, I will post them. My house looked awesome)

I definitely accomplished something with this party. I’m not quite sure what, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with strength of will and evolution of character. I also discovered just how difficult it is to throw a surprise party for someone you spend all of your time with. Note to self (and Potential Future Husband): No more suprise parties of this magnitude will be throw for friends or family who are of such close proximity. Sorry Potential Future Husband, you will be fully aware of any attempts to suprise you.

The good thing though is this has not dissuaded me from throwing other parties where I can tell everyone everything I am doing. This means, I will soon need to start planning my Christmas party. And after that, apparently, my parents want to have a Doo Wop party because my father is obsessed with this DVD from PBS. I mean obsessed! But he pretends it’s my mom who loves it and that’s why he’s playing it…uh huh…

So they want to have a big party and we are going to put the invitations on old 45s (records for you young ‘uns) (which I figured we could probably print on CD labels and then stick onto the 45s) and maybe rent a dance floor and move all the furniture out of their living room, and all sorts of craziness. Should be interesting…

But back to the Christmas party…Last year I had a Naughty Santa Party…I can’t decide if I should do that again (which would make me the Naughty Santa Party girl (and do I really want THAT to be my signature party each year?) or should I change up the theme, and do something different (which would then make it a changing theme party and THAT would be my signature party…). But what other theme?? Any Ideas out there Internets??

Next Time, Someone Make Sure I Eat Dinner Please….

Oh the stories I could tell you about this past weekend…

First, Hook ’em Horns!! We won! Yay!

As for the stories…let’s just say, it appears I may have imbibed 12 beers and 4 shots Saturday. After the 12th beer and first shot, I don’t remember. I was told about the other three. I was quite a piece of work Saturday. It was definitely NOT my finest moment. But I guess, for all the times I have taken care of my friends when they were stupid drunk, they owed me a little payback! lol…I call all bets even now!!

For the sake of all that is my posterity, I don’t think I will go into detail about my antics for fear the 14 year old daughter of my future self might stumble across these words just as she’s trying to tell me how it was just a LITTLE water that they added to the vodka bottle after they drank half of it out of the liquor cabinet, and “jeez, Mooomm…you’re the one who was [doing all those stupid things] at the bar!!” Cause, well, that would prohibit me from telling my daughter that “In MY day, a lady never drank like that, and you’re FOURTEEN, stay out of the liquor cabinet! And ANYWAY, I was twice your age when I did [those stupid things] at the bar!” (I really need to work on my Drunken Teenage Daughter speech huh? That didn’t even convince me…)

In any case, I left my car at the bar and took a cab home, but the next day, when I needed to get it back, there was no one to take me, and I really needed to get something back to my father, and well, I wound up calling my parents and my mother came down and drove me to pick up my car from the bar. You should have heard the ribbing I got for that one! lol…Good times…And the good times continued until I finally pulled myself out of bed at 3pm…Ouch.

Random Jazz

Caution!! Bullet points ahead!

Party Planning…She is a Bitch.
It’s one thing to plan a party for your friends. They are chosen family and they accept you for who you are. They are around all the time. They know you are messy, or are in the middle of a project, or stressed. It’s a completely different story when you are trying to plan a party where family (many of whom have never been to your home) are flying in from all over the country. Planning this party alone, without help and without my mother for a sounding board has been incredibly stressful. I am so glad it will be over in one week and 36 hours.

Phytophotodermatisis…she is an ass.
A MONTH ago, when I was in Austin, we went to the lake. We were on a boat. There was a lime. It needed to be cut. Beer needed its sweet nectar. The juices ran down my hands it was such a nectarful lime (yes I made up a word…). Two days later, my hands had reddish brown streaks on them. They did not go away. I went to the doctor to see why my hands looked like I had been punching things. She declared I had phytophotodermatisis. Get this…Apparently, lime juice reacts with sunlight. All citrus actually…And the sunlight had created a chemical reaction on my skin and caused it to darken in places. In streaks. Or rather, drips. Exactly where the lime juice had run down my hands. It is very attractive. Apparently, most people don’t even notice until I say something, but then they look in horror at the weirdness…It will go away eventually (2-3 months!!), but how bizarre is that?? According to the doc, it’s fairly common for people to get when they are on vacation sitting in the sun squeezing limes into their margaritas on the beach. And bartenders get it when they cut a lot of limes…So a word to the wise, lime juice and sun don’t mix!

TX/OU is the greatest weekend of football ever!
Yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say about that. I am totally stoked for this weekend.

My house MIGHT be on HGTV!
The husband of a friend of mine is a real estate agent and an actor. I know. He’s an interesting guy! So he got involved with HGTV and a new show they doing called, My House is Worth What? He will be one of the real estate agents that they feature on it. And they need houses where people have done some renovations. Enter, me! My friend called and asked if I might be interested. Uh, yeah! That’d be fun! So I have to submit the application and all, but I get to mention that my friend asked me to send it in, and if they like everything, I may get on the show! 🙂 Unfortunately, it’s not the kind of show where they come in and renovate half your house in 2 days but, still, it would be fun. So we shall see.

And last but NEVER least…
Wentworth Miller, A.K.A. The Hotness, is in my area. SIGH…He was in Frisco the day before yesterday, and a friend said his friend met him in Uptown a few days ago. SO close!! They are filming in North Texas for all the stuff where they are supposed to be in Utah.

Oh, and finally, bullet points aren’t working on Blogger Beta. So I guess you will have to pretend they are there…

Oh and of course, HOOK ‘EM Horns!!

It’s 12:31 on October 4th and…


In case you don’t know, UT and OU have quite a rivalry. It’s such a rivalry, in fact, that the game, The Red River Shootout, must be held in the “neutral” location of Dallas, Texas each year.

As a Longhorn, one of our traditions for this game is to state the time and date, and the status of OU’s suckage. Like so:

It’s 12:31pm on October 4th, 2006 and OU STILL SUCKS!

Hook ’em Horns!

Birthday Wrap Up

I had a good birthday. I won’t say great because, to be honest, I was not looking forward to this one.

But Friday night, my friend Jenny threw me a birthday party, and took 10 of us out for pizza and beer, then we headed to a local bar…Who can dislike pizza and beer!!?

Saturday was a Bridal Shower on a party barge on Lake Lewisville…Sun, lakes, more beer?? Always fun.

Saturday night was Octoberfest…uh…Sausages and more beer…(Oh and I may have met a Longhorn Architect who may or may not be taking me to lunch today…and who may or may not seem to be a Planner…we all know how I feel about planners…(I HEART schedules)…)

Sunday was my actual birthday…I went to lunch with a friend…no beer I am sorry to say, but plenty of yummy Chinese food at a restaurant I had somehow never been to, but that has been there for as long as I have lived in Dallas…

Sunday night, dinner and presents with the ‘rents…Which included a PAMA Martini–which is a Pomegranate Martini for you laypeople–and an after dinner drink of Tia Maria and Bailey’s…I now HEART Tia Maria and Bailey’s…

Then I crashed.

I May Need This Tonight…

…Or, my friends who are chauffering me around for my birthday may need it!!

The iBreathe…It seems cheezy at first, but ya know, for $50?? Maybe it’s not a bad idea…
It connects to your iPod and can read your blood alcohol level to within .o1 BAC…So I guess to be safe, if it says .08 you shouldn’t test it and drive…but that’s probably not a bad idea anyway.


Via Dylan…who’s back!!